Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Taking Out The Trash

It's not as clear in the photo as I had hoped, but last night, right after sunset, there was a beautiful crescent moon and a single star (one of the planets) in the southwestern sky.  I thought it would make a great photo, but alas, photography isn't my strong suit.  Thankfully, the iPhone does a credible job.  Hopefully, someone more knowledgeable than me will comment with the name of the planet.

This morning we woke to a cold rain.  It is "trash day" so, I was out in the cold rain taking the trash down to the curb to be picked up.  I didn't really mind until I came back in the house and was hit by how warm it was inside.  You don't realize it until you feel the contrast.

Contrast applies to a lot of things.  It's amazing how our views and attitudes change over time.  We don't realize it until we have been apart from someone for an extended period.  It really hits home when you hear what some of the folks you grew up with have to say about politics.  Most of those I grew up with have similar views to mine, but occasionally I run across someone that is way out there.

Life experiences change us.  Struggles change us.  The people with whom we associate change us.  We are shaped by our surroundings.  It is important to keep that in mind as we go through life; that's why we should be certain we fill our minds and lives with good and positive and not allow the negative and evil to shape us.  I don't even want to read, or watch shows that include things that I don't want in my mind because the taint of them never goes away.

The "shape-ability" of our minds and attitudes is why propaganda is so effective.  It has been used as a tool of the political types since the first caveman decided to run for office.  The messages are shaped in ways that maximize their influence over our thinking.  Often what is said is clearly a lie, yet it lingers in the mind of the hearer.  It's taint connects it with other things and affects how we think about them as well.

Yes, even good people lie, but lying is a highly developed art form among those who would do harm.  To them it is merely a tool to get their way with you.  It seems to be especially effective in the realm of politics because it is so commonly used that it becomes difficult to discern what is truth and what is lie.  The sad thing is that it is so pervasive, there are many who believe the lie to be the truth and the truth to be the lie.

I suppose the image of the moon and star sent me down this path.  It reminded me of Islam and how it is a twisted religion that is a tool of political power.  Even though it was founded long after Christianity, it claims to pre-date it through the lineage of Ishmael.  It further subverts Christianity by weaving Jesus into the narrative as a prophet.

It is easy to see why many politicians who so readily embrace the art of lying also embrace Islam.   I'm not referring to those who support religious freedom, but to those who accept an oppressive religion such as Islam and then condemn Christianity. 

Please don't misunderstand me, there are many Christians who are focused on the wrong things and act just like the zealots of Islam; they focus on the law and the ritual and are quick to condemn others who don't believe as they do rather than living a humble life helping others.  Everyone is tainted by the lies in some form or, fashion.

Now that I have rambled from a beautiful crescent moon and planet to trash to lies, politics and the differences in a couple of religious beliefs, it is time to tie back in the one piece that seems to not fit the others -- the trash.  Maybe it's time to take out the trash politically. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Isaiah 5:22 Woe to those who call evil good and good evil-----.
