Friday, September 3, 2021

Fall Calf

 "Look, over yonder,
Close to the treeline,
Do you see that little dark spot in the grass?
It looks to me like some cow
Just had a new calf!

I'll bet its legs are still wobbly
And its Momma ain't far
But, let's ride on over
To make sure it's fine
This baby's the first; at the head of the line!

Why, look there;
She's several days old!

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Solar Powered

 As the early morning light
 greets my journey, 
I am struck by the fact
 that the sloshing liquid
stored in the passing train 
holds the same energy 
as the refracting light 
of the dawn.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

From the Top

 The road is often rocky
As to the heights we climb
But, the view from on the mountaintop
Is often quite sublime.

Sometimes you have to climb to the top of the mountain to see clearly what you have traveled through.  But, if you don't make it to the top, what do you do?  Make the most of the climb.  You never know what you might see or, experience along the way.

The photo above is from the top of Mount Scott in the Wichita Mountains National Wildlife Refuge in Southwestern Oklahoma.  I was there when I was very small and vauguely recall watching artillery exercises at nearby Fort Sill from the top of the mountain.  On this recent trip there were no exploding artillery shells, but the day was clear and the temperature comfortable for late August in Southwest Oklahoma.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Symbol of a Bygone Time


I know this is not the first time I've led off with the photograph of a Longhorn.  They are picturesque critters and I enjoy seeing the colorful beasts in the pasture.  This one is in fact a Corriente Cross cow and not a pure Longhorn -- whatever such might be.

Painted and splashed with colors galore
She grazes the Great Southern Plains
Not know how symbolic she stands
Of an era dimmed with age.

Once great herds of clicking horns
Trailed up from the brush 
To markets the railways had reached
On their transcontinental quest

Of populating the western reaches
Of a country just beginning to feel
The strength of the mightly economic engine
Swelling with power of imagination

Into the vast unknown lands
Of bewildered tribes who found a new enemy
Much stronger than their ancestral nemises
With whom they had fought for ages.

She and her kind fed the westering hordes
As well as those left behind 
In the growing cities where
Food must be imported from elsewhere.

Today, she is as much a relic
As the American Bison
And the painted natives
That she helped to displace.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021


We must first still our
Until in quiet contemplation,
Lights gently upon our conciousness,
Preparing to burst forth
In the brilliant colors of action.

Monday, August 23, 2021


It has been awhile since I left any tracks upon this page.
The past year hasn't been one to inspire much creativity.

Maybe I should ask,
"What has inspired you this past year?"
