Thursday, January 30, 2020

Dreaming in Other Universes

Have you ever considered that maybe parallel universes are real and when we enter into our dreams we are actually travelling to one of those universes?

I've mentioned before that dreams intrigue me.  I wonder what triggers particular dreams.  I frequently wake from my dreams and remember them -- at least for a short period -- though that remembrance almost always fades quickly.  Occasionally there is one that is particularly vivid that remains for extended periods, even years.

I wonder if dreams are expressions of different aspects of our personality.  What if, for instance, a dream about running from something is an expression of a particular fear.  Okay, that's sounds like psycho-babble and doesn't really convey what I'm attempting to describe, let's try again.  Assume you dream of being stranded on an island and you are able to find food and water and build a fire and shelter; is it a projection of your "survival" instinct in dream form and the dream is your mind sharpening those skills in another parallel universe?

What if you are actually existing within some other dimension where the island is real and your mind is linked between this universe and that one?  The dream occurs when sleep allows us to touch that other dimension.  We, for the moment of the dream, exist within that other place.

The reason I am thinking of this today is that I've noticed that in my dreams, people and things sometimes don't have the same name they do in reality.  They may look the same and it may seem natural to call them "same", but they might have different names and possibly even altered personalities.  In the dream one name seems correct but, when I awake I know them/it to be something else.

I know the simplest explanation is just the jumbled swirl of chemicals and wiring that are in our brain, but it's interesting to speculate.  This morning I awoke dreaming of a C-47 Tilt Rotor craft delivering supplies that morphed into a V-22 Osprey upon awakening.  Was I in an alternate universe, or did my brain cross-reference "supplies", C-47 (WWII era) and V-22?  Maybe those three things are just filed in a similar region and the wiring and chemicals were just struggling to get it all sorted out.  I prefer to think I was somewhere else for a moment....

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