Monday, January 20, 2020

A Special Birthday Bouquet

Today's a special day for one
Who has stuck with me through the years;
There has been some laughter
And there have been some tears.

In many ways we're opposites,
In others we're the same,
She even puts up with my jokes
Though the humor is kind of lame.

She's smart and good with people
Which she likes to be around
While I tend to keep to myself,
Hide and not be found.

She loves her kids and grandchildren
And prays for God to bless
Them in every way
And hopes for their success.

She likes to cook and bake and such
And does it very well;
She makes my favorites often
As by my waistline you can tell.

She's still young at heart and keeps herself
Attractive just for me;
I'm proud of her for being
All that she can be.

Today she's turning ______,
I'll be nice and leave that out,
But, if you have the chance,
Give her a birthday shout.

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