Sunday, January 5, 2020

Deep Roots, Spreading Branches

I find that trees are illustrative of many things in life.  I have used the above image before, but it seemed appropriate to use it again.  It is of an ancient oak tree that grows deep in the woods on what we call "the island" which was our name for a location which was between two creeks on the land we recently sold.  This particular tree is probably about double my age, but is an example that is fitting.

Yesterday, two things occurred that were reminders to stay connected to my roots.  The first was a phone call from an uncle who said one of his New Year's resolutions was to do a better job of staying in touch with people.  I deeply appreciated the call and took it as a reminder that I should do the same.  The second was getting together with a small group last night who had roots to my home town.

The comparison to the tree is that we shared a common beginning and that included many memories and points of connection.  Like the tree, however, we have grown and spread our branches through children, grandchildren and the experiences we each have that took us places far from our roots.  The amazing thing is how we were drawn back together primarily because of that shared origin.

It isn't as though we all were close in our formative years, but one of our number seemed to be the common denominator that drew us together.  Such people are rare and to be treasured.

Wherever you go and wherever you grow, don't neglect your roots.  They are the anchor that keeps us grounded into fertile soil which is what allows us to reach our potential.  I pray that 2020 will be a year of reaching for the sky.  Just as the branches of this tree strain upward in their quest for the strength and energy of the sun, my you reach for the strength of The Son.

"I can do everything through Him who give me strength." -- Philippians 4:13

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