Monday, August 12, 2019

Climate Change Quarterbacks

Some folks are observers
As they pass through this old life;
They prefer the grandstand
With a perch high above
The nitty-gritty going on the field.
Often, they carry on
A running commentary --
A critical analysis of everything they see
But, in which have never participated
As if they were experts
In the field.
They see the execution
Of well-coordinated movement
Which sometimes doesn't
Work as planned
Because there is opposition
Equally bent on succeeding.
Those spectators
See only a small part
Because they had no involvement
In the preparation,
The investment,
The time spent
Honing skills
And developing plans.
They have no
Sweat and blood and tears
Poured into the ground of battle
Yet, they rage on
With blame
When the results on the field
Don't match
The expectations
Of these sideline quarterbacks.

So it is with the beef industry
Which daily fights the battle
Against the elements
To bring food to the table
Of hungry people
Who criticize them
For what they do
More efficiently
And sustainably
Than could have been imagined
By generations
Who have come before
And paved the way.
Climate change?
Look to your steel
And concrete
And luxurious living
As you jet around the world
Burning fossil fuel.

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