Thursday, August 15, 2019

That Tiny, Narrow Line

Though the path is clearly shown,
The Great Paralyzer,
Sends trembling through our soul
And we turn our back
To the promised land,
That those who have entered in
Did so
By means unworthy,

And we sit with those who with us
From Opportunity
Which like a shining light is ever there,
To point the blame
To others fault,
Their achievement as we sit
In judgement
Of what they have done.

Opportunity is something that is ever before us.  The trouble with opportunity is that it often requires us to take chances -- to get so completely out of our comfort zone that we turn away in fear that we will fail.  So many times I have been in groups that talk badly about those whose achievements are clearly a result of their willingness to take the risk and go for the prize waiting ahead.  They have a  tendency to blame anyone but themselves and face their unwillingness to accept the risk and "go for it."  That's when I move on.  I want to spend time with those who have taken a chance and now live their dreams.  Often I find that the difference between the successful and the "complainer" is that tiny, narrow line which one stepped over and from which the other turned in fear.

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