Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Data and More Data

Last night was one of those nights where I slept poorly.  They don't happen frequently, but for some reason I kept thinking about work-related items.

This morning I awoke to an e-mail that is going to require extensive research before I can respond.  Somehow, on a subconscious level, I suspect I expected the e-mail and that is why I couldn't sleep.  My thoughts during the night and what was requested are much too similar for there to be any other explanation.

Years ago I determined that graduate school was not my thing.  I started down that path but, became disenchanted with the political aspects of it.  It's funny how through the years I have probably researched and written the equivalent of a good number of thesis -- maybe even the equivalent of a dissertation or two.  Perhaps it's God's way of pulling a joke on me...

This past weekend was spent organizing and evaluating a fairly large data set.  Yesterday was spent in analyzing it.  Today will be spent in supplementing it.  Oh, well, it give me something to do....

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