Friday, March 22, 2019

Choosing the Positive

Some days are harder than others to keep a positive attitude.  When you look around at all of the things going on in this world, it is easy to be depressed.  There are plenty of positives, but it seems sometimes the negatives are winning the battle.  Fortunately, I have found that my own attitude is mainly a decision.  I can decide to be positive, or I can let myself be pulled into the pool of negative.

Some people believe there is a cosmic balance between good and evil, positive and negative if you prefer, that equals out over time.  The net sum is zero, or equality between the two.  I can understand that view if you step back and look at it objectively from a human standpoint -- which is what we must do since we are all human.  I subscribe to the idea that it is a battle between good and evil.

The Biblical view, as I read it, is that evil was unleashed upon the world in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve chose to believe that they (based on advice from Satan) knew better than God and that it was better to eat from the tree in the midst of the garden than to obey God's command to not do so.  It was the first instance of disobeying God and setting man on a par with or, even higher than God.  It was a choice based on "I know what is best for me," rather than accepting God's will.

Ultimately, that is what allows evil into this world -- man's choice.  Any time we choose selfishly -- "I know what is best for me" -- we allow evil in.

Each and every day we must make choices.  In each choice we should seek God's will.  When our choices are driven by selfishness we allow just a little more evil (or, negative if you prefer) into our lives and therefore, into the world.  I pray that each and every day you will be motivated to seek God's will.  Focus on the positive and not on the negative.  Choose God's way rather than man's way.

In spite of what advertisers tell us, It's not "all about me."

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