Friday, March 29, 2019

Allergy Time

It's allergy time of year!
Pollen is in the air!
To most of you it's not a big deal
But, for some it doesn't seem fair
That the time when everything
Bursts into bloom
Can be so miserable.

Tiny leaves cover the trees,
Flowers bloom in the ditch,
My nose is constantly running
And my eyes always itch!
But, most of you just go on your way
Doing whatever you do
While I suffer in my solitude.

I get out the antihistamines
And try not to rub my eyes;
It seems I'm constantly clearing my throat
While cursing the pollen-filled skies!
And yet, it's a beautiful time of the year
When everything starts to turn green
But, for some of us it isn't much fun.

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