Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Travel and Work

When I travel for my work I find the hours are mighty long;
I work when I awake and often well into the night.

The phone is always ringing, this computer in my hand
That buzzes with the e-mail or when a text the screen does light.

Instead of setting it aside to wait until the 'morrow
I frequently just deal with it and sometimes work quite late.

For what else am I going to do while stuck in a hotel
Since I care not for the t.v. where mindless heads do prate?

I usually fill the silence with a keyboard in my hand
And if by chance I find the time I often sit and write;

It is a simple thing that can occupy my mind
Even if it's something like this Blog I wrote last night.

[Sometimes I experiment a bit with which lines rhyme.  This one is a little awkward, but the pattern worked.  I'm sure some English teacher or, literary purist would have a fit over it, but I don't write for them anyway....]

(It's kinda cool that you can schedule when it posts....)

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