Wednesday, July 11, 2018

The List Goes On and On

I have probably mentioned somewhere previously that I am a list maker.  I find that lists help me organize and prioritize the tasks that I have and as I grow older, I find that it helps me not to forget things....

I don't know that I have ever completed a list before adding more to it.  There is always more to do than gets done.  That's probably a good thing.  I have also found as I age that having things to do, something to work toward, is important.  When there is nothing left but to sit and watch television I will probably die.

I am sometimes a procrastinator.  Lists help me to procrastinate because I know which items are urgent, which are important and which are merely things that would be a good idea but are neither urgent or important.  They are sometimes things that would add to quality of life if done, but just aren't necessary.

I have different types of lists.  Some are work related.  Some are "around the house" tasks -- aka "Honey Do's."  Others are related to some specific project.

I usually rank the tasks in order of importance, but not always.  Sometimes they are just a list of things as I think of them.  I don't always do the things on the list in order of importance either.  Sometimes the lists are so overwhelming that I pick some of the easier tasks, or those of shorter duration and do them first in order to gain the psychological impact of accomplishment.  Yeah, I play mind games with myself.  Is that weird?

I have added Blog Post as a daily task on my list.  Why?  I guess it is a matter of practice since I wish to spend more time writing.  I make a little money on the side writing a column for a trade publication and therefore know my ability is saleable, so I plan to work toward writing more for publication as a supplement to my income as I begin to consider retirement.

Retirement???!!  What am I thinking!  I think that word should be removed from the dictionary and replaced with something that has a different connotation -- one that denotes moving on to other things after a "career."  Just my thoughts this morning...

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