Saturday, July 28, 2018

The Gentle Sound of Rain

This morning I awoke
To the quiet sound of rain
Upon this dry and dusty arid plain

It brought a gentle comfort
As I lay there in my bed
Thinking how it brought a peace into my head

I thought how only yesterday
The dust arose like smoke
And clogged the air I breathed and made me choke

And I remembered cattle coughing
Standing still beneath the shade
The few and scraggly trees and bushes made

But, the simple sound of moisture
Falling gently from the sky
Promised their relief was surely nigh

In my head I thanked my Maker
For the blessings He bestows
Then quietly rose and slipped into my clothes

And walked to the window
To look out upon the rain
Falling gently on this sun-scorched weary plain

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