Saturday, November 23, 2019

Pushing Forward

Sometimes determination is the only thing that keeps you moving forward.  It is something that happens in the mind -- a decision -- that no matter the obstacle, you will continue.  It isn't always rational.  It may be that the thing we are bent on accomplishing is of little or, no consequence and when we have completed the task there is no value in the chore, but only in the fact we drove ourselves to do it.

That is my thought this morning as I write.  I don't know that what is said here makes a difference to anyone, or anything, but it is something I have set for myself to do each day.  Some days, like this one, I struggle to find a subject about which to share but, there are other days when the words seem to flow easily.

I think that in every task we face, there is often a point at which we must make the decision to push on, no matter how we "feel" and no matter how much success we have experienced in what we are doing.  It is something that I faced almost daily in jobs that involved selling a product or service.  After several rejections, the next call can sometimes seem pointless.  I had to remind myself that it was a "numbers game" in which only a percentage of contacts would result in a sale, therefore, it wasn't about facing rejection again, it was about finding that small percentage who would say yes to my offering.

I suspect my writing is the same in that there are times when my words resonate with the reader and have a positive impact and there are times when they are simply words on a page.  I have to remind myself why I am writing -- I write to hone my craft.

Whatever it is that you do, always remind yourself of the reasons that you do it and push ahead; push through the obstacles and the days when it seems pointless.  Determine to continue forward no matter how you feel or, how others respond to your efforts.  Do it for your own growth.  Do it because whether you know it or, not, you have been called to do it at this point in your life.  Keep putting one foot in front of the other and find joy in what you do.

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