Sunday, September 29, 2019

Parasitism or Responsibility?

Standing on the edge of time I looked and saw a tree
Apart from lesser beings creeping in its shadow
And I noted great stature;
Tall and proud.

I felt small beneath this looming immensity
Yet, it was anchored in one place,
Unable to enjoy that
Which was not present.

Fibrous feet reached deeply into the earth
Over which it towered with arms
Appearing as though
They held the sky

While I merely passed by to other sights and scenes
Remaining not a part, but an observer
Who cultivated,
Who harvested,

Who lived as a scurrying infestation rushing about
Upon the surface, taking sustenance
Rather than building
And anchoring.

It was then I asked if parasitism was my lot or,
Was my purpose much higher than the
Flora which sustained
This place?

The light of awareness lifted me
And I saw within, the responsibility for stewarding
These resources which had been

"The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it." -- Genesis 2:15

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