Wednesday, February 20, 2019

We Are What We Think

This morning I again turn to the book of "300 Writing Prompts" for inspiration.  Today's question: "It has been said, 'You are what you eat.' Rewrite that phrase: 'You are what you _______.'"

To me, the obvious answer is that "You are what you think."

Our mind is such an amazing thing.  Without our awareness, it controls our bodily functions.  Deep within its recesses it stores information as a record that includes everything we have ever seen, heard or, experienced.  It then establishes connections between those things it has stored in new and different ways that give us insight.  It reasons through scenarios that may, or may not, be similar to previous experiences and guides us through them.  It analyzes information and inspires new creation.

When you consider such things, it becomes evident that we must be careful what we feed our mind.  Since it utilizes the information stored therein -- and literally every piece of information we have been exposed to is stored in some form or, fashion -- it is critical that we fill it with good things.  If we fill it with evil, it will regurgitate evil.  If we fill it with good, it will spout good things.

The more information we pack into our experience, the more we have to draw from out of the well of our stored memories.

We can influence how those bits of information connect.  If we focus on the good, the positive, the inspiring, we will be more likely to have a positive outlook.  If we allow ourselves to dwell on the negative, we will have a negative outlook on life.

The Bible provides very clear advice:  "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable -- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy -- think about such things." -- Philippians 4:8

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