Saturday, February 9, 2019

A Political Marketing Campaign

I've given a good bit of thought to the "Green New Deal" resolution offered by the Freshman Congresswoman Alexandria Occasio-Cortez (AOC).  I am certain she likely didn't realize the brilliance of her approach but merely fell into it out of some "pie-in-the-sky" dream of youth -- or, her strings are being pulled by someone else which is entirely possible.  It is almost as if she took a page from the President's playbook, "The Art of the Deal."

Sometimes in negotiation, it is best to start with an extreme position.  Anything given up is seen to be more moderate, or even conservative by comparison.  Perhaps the only true goal is a carbon tax.  If that is the case, as each of the points of the proposal are negotiated away, that goal will begin to stand out as the non-negotiable one.  It will be the "line-in-the-sand" across which there will be no movement.

I fear AOC has been underestimated.  She ran an effective campaign, has made and continues to make national and international headlines.  She is establishing her "brand"by appearing as the absurd while effectively moving into a position of power.  Her Green New Deal isn't a power grab, it is marketing.  Marketing creates brand identity and begins to define the environment in which a sale will occur.  The transaction is yet to come and it will come with a high price tag.

Alongside the Green New Deal resolution we are hearing calls for extreme levels of taxation which are ostensibly aimed at the most wealthy.  Again, they are negotiating positions.  If the current level of taxes is at 30% and you believe they should move to 50%, you begin by asking for 70% or, higher.  Then begins the "horse trade" that will likely end up at a point somewhere in between 30% and 70% -- the midpoint being 50% which was the goal.

Don't underestimate these incoming freshmen Congressmen and women.  They are being coached and they will be effective.  They may be pawns, but often in a game of chess it is the pawn that takes the King.  I don't for one minute believe Socialism is the goal of AOC.  The textbook description of Socialism is appealing to minorities and to the poor.  It promises a redistribution of the wealth which has accumulated into the hands of the few upon what they perceive as the oppressed backs of those at the bottom rungs of the economy.  Socialism has never been implemented by a single government on this planet.  What began as a Socialist appeal has always evolved into Communism which is something very different indeed.

There are many things occurring that fit within a framework for a marketing campaign for Communism.  1) Continued erosion of the value of life -- i.e. late term, or post-birth abortion (New York and Virginia). 2) Calls for wealth redistribution (70% - 90% tax rates on wealthy). 3) Global climate alarmism that seeks centralized economic planning (Green New Deal). 4) Vilification of religious beliefs (confirmation hearings).  5) Lock-step adherence to political leadership/platforms (the white-clothed women).

It is time to wake up and smell the danger. 

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