Saturday, May 4, 2019

May The Fourth Be With You

Today is considered by many to be "Star Wars" day -- May the Fourth (force) be with you!  Being a Star Wars fan, I like that idea.  Being someone who is intrigued with the mind, I also am intrigued by "the force" as described in Star Wars.  Don't you sometimes sense that if you think something hard enough it will happen?

A number of times through the years I have experienced something that caused me to think that our mind is capable of much more than we are aware.  Have you ever been thinking of someone and your phone rings and it is that person calling?  I've seen explanations about such occurrences being either 1) coincidence or, 2) concurrent exposure to a shared connection -- such as seeing the same commercial on television to which you have common historical memory association.  I don't buy either one of those explanations.

I also find George Lucas' "midichlorians" intriguing.  In Star Wars, they are the source of the force.  They are symbiotic beings that reside within all living organisms.  The number of them in any one individual is correlated to their ability to "use the force" -- the higher the number, the greater their ability.  In our world, we have an organelle within each of our cells called a mitochondria.  It is considered the "power pack" of life.  It is like a miniature factory which builds molecules and supplies energy to operate the cell's various functions.  Unlike midichlorians, the number of them isn't the determinant of the "power in the force" but, mitochondria can be more efficient power generators in some rather than others such as those with high athletic ability.

I somehow find the idea that we are all "connected" to be something to embrace.  Life is precious; human life especially so.  No other life form in our present experience has achieved so much -- even to the point of space exploration.  Perhaps someday humanity will truly reach the stars and intergalactic travel will become a reality.  The power of many minds working together will make that happen -- much as "the force" connects all life in the Star Wars world.  I likely won't live to see that day, but some of my descendants might.  I hope so.

We all have "a force" to which we can connect if only we will do so.  Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6).  I pray that you will be filled with the Life Force that is inexhaustible -- Jesus.  May His force be in you.

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