Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Empty Places

Deep within each of us resides a longing for something beyond ourselves.  We rise from our slumber out of habit, or because we desire survival, or because we are filled with an eagerness for the day; something draws us that we may not understand, but is there nevertheless as a constant lure just beyond the edge of our awareness.

I am drawn to empty places.  I smell the dust rising from the grasses as I pass quietly in quest of what lies just beyond -- just beyond the next hill, or tree, or ravine that I must cross; just beyond the mountain, or valley, or whatever lies ahead because in my passage I am pulled onward to discovery.  The place to which I am drawn must lie over the next horizon where it ever awaits my arrival.  My journey through the empty places relieves the tiredness of the world that has seeped into my bones and replaces it with the fatigue of effort.

That which compels me is not a place of ease where I might sit in comfort for it is in those places the energy seeps from me and I feel life fading, but where there is struggle and challenge and a battle that pits my wits against the elements, I am energized.  Vitality springs from the earth and fills me with the desire to succeed -- to live.  Life begets life.

I was made to move forward.  Stagnation and decay occur in motionless inactivity.

Rise from your easy chair and set foot into the world where adventure awaits -- if not in your front yard, just over the next hill.  Overcome your lethargy and seek life in abundance.

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