Thursday, October 18, 2018

Traveling a Shrinking World

Have you ever thought about how mobile we've become?
It seems now second nature to us all.
We jump right in our car to head to town
To eat out, or to the store without a passing thought
Of how it is such a blessing to be able to do so.

Then, there are those of us who travel for our work
And it is nothing to drive to an airport and jump in a plane
For a meeting halfway across the country that
May only last an hour or two before we jump
Back on a different plane for a trip somewhere else.

Vacations also are a time for travel for the mass
Of people in this land who think nothing of
Catching a ship out of some port for a trip out into
The Caribbean or the Mediterranean to see places
That match the photos in some book read long ago.

For most of history man has traveled places far
From his home in search of discovery or, for commerce
With people living far away, but for much of
That history it was only the privileged few
Who traveled regularly around the globe.

We take for granted this thing, this amazing
Mode of combining experience with what we
Have learned from reading or, discussing with
Others about the world just moments, or maybe
Hours, or even days away that is now within our reach.

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