Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Cultural Sensitivity

What is this thing they call Cultural Sensitivity?
Growing up we never thought about such things.
I recall a phrase from many years ago that said,
"Different strokes for different folks."

Then there is Cultural Appropriation.
What exactly does that mean?  My favorite foods are
What are referred to as Mexican food, or Tex-Mex.

Is it now against appropriate societal norm for me
To eat Mexican food?

Ridiculous isn't it?

The trends toward retained cultural identity
Divide us rather than unite.

It seems to me our country has thrived on incorporation
Of ethnic variety.  How many of you
Like Italian food such as spaghetti?

Maybe we should consider how words have crossed
Boundaries that are being arbitrarily re-set
To restrict the blending that is truly,
But not uniquely, an American strength.

I was recently chastised online for my use of the word
Tribe.  Apparently it is inappropriate for me,
A non-native American to use it.

Tribes have been around from the beginning of time.
What about African tribes?

Offense is too easily taken.

Making an issue of Cultural Sensitivity is tribalism,
However, my stating that fact is deemed offensive.

Wedges of division are being driven into our society
From every angle.  We must resist such tactics
Or, the fragmentation will lead to violence.

Civility should be the norm, but the current form
Of Cultural Sensitivity should be thrown out the
Window.  We the People is a phrase that is
All inclusive.  Divided we will fall.

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