Saturday, June 25, 2011

Trees, Birds and the Heat

We have a number of different trees on our place -- all planted.  Nothing native.  Oh, there are no trees native to the Texas Panhandle.  It's no wonder in a year like this.  Nothing can survive without supplemental care.

It has been a challenge keeping enough water on my trees this year so, I was out this morning giving them a drink before the heat became unbearable.  I decided to call it good at 11:00 a.m. when the temperature hit 99.3.  I figured that's warm enough.  Besides, they all got a drink that needed the extra.  It's expected to hit as high as 108 today.  Yuck.

A few weeks ago -- back when it wouldn't hit 100 until around 4:00 p.m. -- I built berms around my pine trees so it would be easier to get extra water to them.  Here's a photo:

Notice how dry the pasture is around it and in the distance.  Not much green until you hit town in the distance where there are trees growing.

But, in reality, I guess I do have a few trees on the place that weren't planted by me or the previous owner.  The birds plant them.  Here's a photo:

This is a Russian Olive.  They are considered a nuisance tree by most people.  However, I like the way they look, they are hardy and they help form a good windbreak.  Notice how this one is growing in the fence row.  It's because that's where the bird sat that planted it.  These trees are great for wildlife because of the small, hard olives that they bear.

The birds eat the olives.  The passage of the seed through the acids in their alimentary canal softens the coat so that, given adequate water and soil, it will sprout and grow another generation. 

"Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?" __ Matthew 6:26

Kinda cool huh!


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