Thursday, June 23, 2011

A Day In The Office

It was back into the routine today.  I guess.  Although it might be argued that I don't have much of a routine.  Unless you consider too much travel to be routine!

What I mean is that I spent the day in the office.  Or, at least, my temporary office while we are waiting on new carpet to be laid so that I can get into a more permanent setting. 

Since I started working from home -- only logical because of all the travel -- I have been in a temporary setup while we completed a re-model project.  It is taking a lot longer than intended.  Carpet.  Ordered.  Delayed.  Wrong.  Re-ordered.  Waiting.  Frustrated.

After being gone for a week and a half, I spent a big chunk of the day just getting through all the e-mails that had received only cursory treatment while on the road but, that needed more.  Then, at one point this morning, I had 32 new e-mails hit within a very brief span of time.  I guess all the ones I was sending out, along with the junk I can't seem to get stopped, received responses all at once.  Crazy.  Is the rest of the world all on the same clock and it's only me that's different?

It seems like no matter how much I am able to deal with from the road there are always things that need an office to get done.  Oh, well.

A few days and it will be back to a manageable level.....


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