Saturday, June 8, 2019

Choose to Care

Caring is a decision.

What is it that makes us choose to care for some things and not others?  Why do we value some things or, some people, above others?

Value is something we assign.  It is sometimes related to the cost, but not always.  Sometimes it is related to the uniqueness, or scarcity.  Usually, value is related back to self -- what is it to me?  How does it affect me?

When it comes to people, we usually value family above all others.  Is that impulse driven by genetic coding that is focused on perpetuating our own familial line?  That perception sums up what most scientists believe -- that it is all about preserving our own genetic lineage.  After family, we tend to value friends -- especially those we believe will aid us in time of need.  Again, it is all self-focused.

After friends, we tend to value those most like us.  This is the source of racial, or national pride.  We believe those like us will be most likely to have similar values and cause the least amount of harm to us.  Again, self-focus.

One of the things that is most difficult for anyone who believes in God is that He makes no distinction between people.  He values all the same and offers the same opportunity to all races, no matter what they have done as individuals, to enter into His presence by the divine gift of His Son.  He also has called us to love, or value, as He does.

If we would learn to care about others as God cares for us, this world would be a very different place.

Choose to care.

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