Thursday, January 10, 2019

Working Through My Thoughts

Today is a writing deadline for me.  My column for a trade publication for which I write is due today.  I have made numerous starts, but can't seem to complete it.  Maybe that's inaccurate; I've written a couple of them and then deleted them because they didn't "feel" right.

Usually, deadlines are good for me.  I like to have something virtually completed in my head before I "dump it" on paper -- er, type it into the computer.  Having started writing in the days of paper and pencil and later with a typewriter, old thinking dies hard.  I should just immediately begin the rough draft on the computer and correct it afterward.  Corrections are much easier today when it only requires a backspace or delete key.  The trouble with today's deadline is that I still have no clear idea about what to write.

The Publisher will likely be reading this post later this morning and will laugh at me.

The topic for the issue is, "Where do we go from here?"  The magazine will include industry projections and analysis.  Maybe that's the trouble; I don't have a clue where we are headed.  The level of turmoil and uncertainty in the world is high, but thinking back through history, when has it not been high?  Maybe that's the answer; just like the writer of Ecclesiastes, I will point out that there is nothing new under the sun.  It will be another year of same-old-same-old.

That's not like me though, I don't believe it for an instant.  Change is inevitable, but usually gradual in nature.  Change creeps in like a cat stalking a bird.  It is silent and stealthy and keeps its head down until suddenly springing upon the quarry which bursts into a ball of feathers beneath the swatting paw.  I suppose the answer is, don't be the ball of feathers.

Well, I'm glad we've had this little chat within my head, maybe now I have some sense of what to write for my column....

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