Saturday, April 20, 2019

Weeds and Empty Spaces

Have you ever noticed how weeds are a never-ending challenge?  Anywhere there is an open patch of ground, they will sprout.  Sometimes they sprout in places that you wouldn't even consider open, such as the crack in a sidewalk.  They exploit empty or, broken places.

There's a couple of ways to look at this: 1)  Nature abhors a vacuum.  Weeds are the pioneers that begin the process of filling empty places.  2)  The unwanted will always exploit the un-tended.

That exploitative view of weeds is what comes to mind this morning.  As I think on the historic events we commemorate on this Easter weekend, it occurs to me that we must constantly cultivate our relationship with Jesus and with others in order to keep the weeds out.  Weeds are the sin in our life that come into the empty places.  The best way to prevent their growth is to fill those spaces with the good which is Jesus.

Filling those spaces requires continuous attention -- not just once a year on Easter.  Feed the good; pluck the evil out by the roots.

The first way to look at weeds also applies; if we equate weeds to evil, it is easy to see that it quickly exploits empty spaces and expands to fill them until it crowds out whatever good may have been planted.  Evil will fill the emptiness that was designed by God for His presence.  Fill the empty places with Jesus.

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