Wednesday, April 3, 2019

A World of Adventure

Each morning as I sit down to write, in my thoughts I ask the question, “What should I write about today?”  This morning, the thought that immediately popped into my head was, “living conditions in Ethiopia.”

I don’t know anything about living conditions in Ethiopia.  That in itself is an indictment. As a Christian, I should. More importantly, I should care.

People in this country know very little about the world beyond our borders. That is sad, especially when people in other countries either hate us for what we have or, are willing to risk everything to get here. We need to be exporting the good that is America, not just taking what we need from the rest of the world and wishing them well. I fear our grandchildren will pay a great price for our insular smugness.

Yesterday I spoke of adventure. Maybe it was a prelude to this post. Maybe it’s time to go learn about the rest of the world.

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