Saturday, September 29, 2018

Did We Really Hear the Hearing?

Times of trial come to every generation
At some point along the way.
These past weeks of hearings relating
To the highest court nominee
Had very much to say

About the state of this great nation and
The forces at play who wish
To dominate, to seize the reins
Of power and to control
How "we the people" like goldfish

In a bowl are treated and how much
Freedom we are allowed when
Our Constitution clearly states that
Power of the government is derived
From the people, both now and then

When it was drawn to protect the very freedom
That we of older generations were
Taught that we enjoy while
Slowly those very freedoms have been
Taken from us as we defer

"Leadership" to those who were elected
To represent, not lead.  For leadership
Resides in the electorate, not the elected,
And those who represent should do only
That which reflects and does not worship

At the altar of power which they seek
By their begging hands which manipulate
The purse strings, so deeply entangled,
To rest ultimately in those whose God
Does not stand at Heaven's gate

To rescue us from our sin and greed, but
Seeks to draw us away from that which is good
And right and just.  Evil resides in the hearts
Of men -- and yes, women -- and it rises
To the puppeteers who stood

Behind the scenes of a disintegrating Republic,
No longer One Nation Under God,
But a seething mass of conflict between
Powers of this earth who no longer represent
But, give those who sent them less than a nod.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bluntly put my friend and well put.
