Monday, April 15, 2019

Sanctuary for Refugees

The massive influx of illegal immigrants on our southern border has created a crisis of conscience in our country that is not couched in such terms, but is one nonetheless.  Normally, when such massive numbers of people leave their country to migrate elsewhere it is due to an easily recognizable event such as war.  The people are often sheltered in refugee camps in neighboring countries until they can be re-settled elsewhere, or until the event is over and they return to their homes.  The current migration north from central American countries is the result of economic events that threaten the security of individuals -- primarily due to poor governance.  It includes overwhelming gang and drug violence in many of the countries that is similar in impact to war, but it is also due to corruption in the governing bodies that control those countries.

The moral dilemma is in this country.  How do we deal with the humanitarian aspects of the crisis while protecting the integrity of our border and our country -- especially from the violence of drug and human traffickers who exploit the surging numbers of migrants?

In the current media-hyped environment of the President's suggestion that the illegal immigrants be sent to "sanctuary cities," a clear point is being missed, calls by individuals within those cities to accept illegal immigrants into our country are based in the concept that they will be placed elsewhere and that others will have to deal with the impact they will have on local infrastructure and taxes.  It is a typical liberal response of mandating the government deal with an issue rather than taking personal responsibility.

A complicating factor is that the liberal call is for government largess (funded by all of us law-abiding taxpayers) to provide the humanitarian relief placing the burden on ALL rather than on those who would choose such a response.  Big government and "federal" responsibility is a mantra of those on the left.  By planting those dependent immigrants in Republican strongholds, the impact is to dilute the voting strength of those of opposing mindset with the influx of new, government-dependent voters.  What were once strong Republican voting districts become Democrat strongholds in a short period of time -- witness the rise of the new and highly visible Representatives such as Omar.

Placing illegal immigrants in those areas declaring "sanctuary" status makes sense.  Let those who want to allow them unfettered access to our country carry the burden.  It also concentrates their voting power into areas where it will make no difference.

What should the Christian response be to these immigrants?  That is a difficult question to answer in some ways and yet our responsibility is clear -- provide humanitarian relief.  It should be done with wisdom. 

How should the government deal with them?  Their status as illegal immigrants should be maintained and they should be provided housing similar to refugee camps.  Their transition into society should follow legal channels that require meeting citizenship standards established by law.  Criminal elements found within them should be prosecuted for their crimes -- not sent home merely to return again.  Access across our borders should be controlled -- that requires limiting access to a few points which can be done effectively only with a wall.  Efforts to stabilize the countries of origin of the immigrants should be initiated, including assistance to eliminate the criminal elements -- including those within governments -- that are fueling the crisis.  Closing our borders is not the answer.  Doing so merely adds to the resentment of our economic success and increases global instability which does no one any good.

If our country is so attractive to others, we should export those things which make it that way.  Make it so people desire to remain in their own country rather than to leave.  Export our form of governance (at least the basic philosophy) and export our economic model (again, at least the best parts of it).  We have allowed our own country to drift toward a model that threatens to implode, but we still have something that is extremely desirable as evidenced by those risking everything to get here. 

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