Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Out of This World

My last post was about passion. Specifically, "what are you passionate about?" I ask the question because it is something that I have struggled with throughout my life. My interests are so varied that I must be careful not to "flit" from one thing to another. Focusing on that "one thing" that is a burning passion within me has been elusive.

I wonder if that is a function of personality types? Is it only certain personalities that are able to focus passionately on one or a few things? Or, is it something deeper? Is it that only those individuals who have truly found their niche in life that become passionate about it? -- those who find their true calling?

There are myriad things that interest me. Nothing that consumes me -- although there are times that I'm sure my family would say that my work consumes me. But it doesn't really. My sense of responsibility, of duty, sometimes drives me for a period of time, but it isn't all-consuming.

There is one thing that I know that I am supposed to be passionate about and that is "living for Christ." I fear that I am often a miserable failure in that area. It is fortunate for me that He is a loving and forgiving Savior and Mediator who has already paid the price for my "failures" by His sacrifice.

I believe that we each are called for a specific purpose in life. I think we are born with a "bent" toward certain things. Sometimes you can spend 10 minutes with a child and know with a high degree of confidence what general type of career that child will eventually pursue. I wonder sometimes though if I have ever found the "purpose" for which I was born. I sometimes wonder if I made a "wrong" choice and chose the wrong career path at some point in my past. Why is it that I invariably become restless in my career? Is there something drawing me toward another path? Is it just human nature? Is it that I haven't found where I belong?

I think sometimes that I will remain restless until my days on earth are ended. What do you think?

"...As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world..." __John 15:19(in part)


i beati said...

I bleieve HE appoves of what you do - even your putting the thoughts out here..to ponder

Plowing and Sowing said...

Man...you are deep in thought. Or maybe these are questions that have been on my mind lately. I know that there some areas that I have "gotten out from under God's will" and probably have cost myself the full glory of God or have not fulfilled His purpose for my life. There are two things that I have learned over the past four years. First of which is that I am very dependent Jesus Christ. You see I was raised in church. I accepted Christ as my Savior at a young age. I was probably, in the world's view, a good person who had everything going for me. I had, and still do have, a wonderful family, I was teaching Sunday School, I was very active in church. Then along the way, and I think it took many years, I began to rely on and focus on my goodness. I thought that I could get through anything. I was making decent money for a guy my age, everything seemed to be going great. Two different issues were brought into my life and I was broken down about four years ago. I was reminded, drastically, how yucky our sinful nature can be. I am a much more humble, caring, sensitive, available person. The second thing that I learned is that MY nature is adventurous. I am the one that is always looking for a change. I am not content in many areas. Don't get me wrong, there are areas that I am content in, but you brought up careers and being restless. I get that way. I am working on being content and put into practice what the Bible clearly teaches. I am to wait patiently on God's leading in my life. I am feeling compelled to sit tight and do what he has for me now. I am at a point to where I am wrestling with just going to work for another construction company and not worrying about ever making a lot of money or just have faith in where He has me now (I have my own roofing company). I feel sometimes like I could be restless until my time on earth is finished. I makes me tired to think about not being able to be content. I could have blogged about this instead of taking up your reader's time on your comments.

That Janie Girl said...

Great post, poet. Thought provoking.

Chris McClure aka Panhandle Poet said...

P&S: You are welcome to leave extended comments any time you like. Sometimes the need to pour out our thoughts is strong. It amazes me how my posts sometimes strike strong chords in others and how others posts sometimes really hit me hard. We're all in this together. Christ called for Christian brothers and sisters to basically be family to each other. We all go through similar struggles and we need each other's experience to help us through sometimes.

Plowing and Sowing said...

I have considered starting a blog for specific needs or questions. I like your's along with some other blogs when there is some Biblical meat.

Incognito said...

I think it is part of certain people's natures to be restless. I grew up traveling and for some reason that desire to see new things has stayed with me. So I am fortunate that my work takes me to different places. I could never survive in a 9-5- office job. We are all endowed with different gifts (whatever those might be) and it is our job to discover what those are. Thos are gifts that God has given us to share with others. My older sister changed careers in her 40s. She's a Psych and loves it. Switched from accounting to Psych. Another friend switched from opera to law in her 40s. practiced for many years until she passed away, this year. It's never too late to do anything. I posted about that my other blog.

Incognito said...

I think it is part of certain people's natures to be restless. I grew up traveling and for some reason that desire to see new things has stayed with me. So I am fortunate that my work takes me to different places. I could never survive in a 9-5- office job. We are all endowed with different gifts (whatever those might be) and it is our job to discover what those are. Thos are gifts that God has given us to share with others. My older sister changed careers in her 40s. She's a Psych and loves it. Switched from accounting to Psych. Another friend switched from opera to law in her 40s. practiced for many years until she passed away, this year. It's never too late to do anything. I posted about that my other blog.

Chris McClure aka Panhandle Poet said...

Incognito: I have changed careers several times -- not just jobs, careers.

P&S: Get that blog started man.
