Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Dare to Dream

It could be argued that this post should have been yesterday, but my sense of timing with this alphabetically inspired theme is tied purely to the sequential progression of the letters, not to the calendar and the day honoring the man best remembered for the words, "I have a dream."

We all dream -- although I have heard some claim that they never dream.  I think dreams are how our mind organizes the deluge of information it receives each and every day.  Perhaps dreaming is how our brain "connects the dots" and establishes the neural pathways to allow us to retrieve that information at a later time.  That would explain why dreams sometimes take on very strange connections -- it is our mind searching for order among the chaos.

The dream of Martin Luther King, Jr. was not a dream from the land of semi-sleep.  It could best be described as a vision, or pathway for the future.  I guess in that sense it was similar because it was his attempt to search out order, to chart a path, for those whose ancestors had been enslaved.  It was, and continues to this day, to be a destination of sorts for his people.

As children we have within our hearts visions of what we want to be when we "grow up."  Those dreams are often squashed in teenage or early adult years.  Rare is the individual who is able to devote his or her life in the attempt to achieve those dreams.  The result is that many reach a point where they refuse to set a course forward and merely survive.  I think this describes the majority of people.

How does one reignite the dreams of youth?  Granted, the realities of individual athletic ability, or the lack of giftedness in the arts is often the reason for the fading of many dreams, yet, it isn't necessarily such dreams to which I refer.  I am speaking to having a vision of any kind -- a chart by which to move forward toward some worthy end rather than merely drifting through life hoping that the "means" will outlast the "end."

It is never too late to dream.  It doesn't have to be Professional ballplayer or Movie Star or even CEO of a major corporation, it can be as simple as the best mother or father to your children, or the best employee in your workplace.  The key is that it must be something worthwhile -- something that will make a lasting impact.  It can be as large as that of Martin Luther King, Jr. or it can be more personal such as the Afghanistan War veteran who chose to conquer the loss of his legs and walk again.

Wherever you are in life, dare to dream.  Start the day with a vision of where you want to go and what you want to do and then do it to the best of your ability.

The letter "D" completes the fourth in our alphabetical series.  Suggestions for "E" would be greatly appreciated.  Just leave a comment!


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