Tuesday, July 20, 2010

God in the Science Classroom

First, let me say that I believe that God created the heavens and the earth and everything in them.  That is not to say that I understand how he did it.

Science, the study of the natural world, arose from man's desire to better understand God's creation.  Most early scientists had a strong belief in God -- whether Muslim, Greek, Jew, Buddhist, Hindu or Christian.  However, over the years, as scientists gained greater understanding of the created order, they began to subscribe to the idea that there was no God.  This is a logical conclusion when one accepts the concept that what is knowable cannot be of something beyond comprehension -- i.e. God.  In order to be God as Creator, it must be accepted that he exists as a being greater than man.  Therefore, if man can understand what is, then there must be no being greater than man.

The problem that scientists run into is that in spite of their great knowlege and ever increasing understanding of the created, there is always something more -- something beyond their understanding.  The fact that they continue to understand more, however, leads to the conclusion that they can understand all.  This, I believe, is one reason so many in the scientific community have rejected God.

The article linked below was written by an atheist science teacher.  It is a very thoughtful essay.

God in the classroom
All science teachers, whatever their specialism, have to deal with questions about God. We should be prepared

1 comment:

jbboren said...

Chris, you'd be surprised how many hard science folks are theistic, including a huge number who believe in some variation of the Genesis creation account.

A much greater percentage of the athiests are in the social and behavioral sciences.

I have a PhD in sports medicine and am an Associate Prof of Biology, and I'm not that uncomfortable expressing my Christian faith around colleagues at meetings...and if I was a sociologist or psychologist, I would be.

