Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Questions on Monetary Policy

Is federal monetary policy aimed strictly at bolstering the stock market? Is the stock market a reliable indicator of the true shape of our economy? Is the inflationary impact of rising fuel prices being fully accounted for in the economic measures tracked by the government? Are wages keeping pace with the rising cost of goods and services as impacted by fuel? If fuel costs are recovered by businesses in the form of a fuel surcharge rather than through a price increase, is that "fuel tax" being accounted for in statistical measures of economic performance? Are we in fact experiencing inflation at the same time we are seeing a recessionary period? Will we see a tenuous hold on economic stability maintained until a change in administration?


PRH said...

Chris, saw your post on The Hermit's site....when did you live in the Dodge City area....I was there in 79 and 80.

Chris McClure aka Panhandle Poet said...

Pat: I moved there in 1994 and was there for about 4 years.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to think somebody knew what was going on, but I wonder. All the experts say different things on the news. All I know for sure is I'm worse off than I was a year ago financially. The dollar is low so it costs me a lot more to support my kids at school in Canada. Gas, propane, kerosene, diesel all cost a lot more. Food costs a lot more. Things aren't so good.

Chris McClure aka Panhandle Poet said...

Hermit: I have to agree with you. I once had a little slack in the monthly budget but it has all gone for energy costs in recent months. I don't see it getting better anytime soon.
